
This structure is used to hold message and is defined as follows:

struct ExMessage
	USHORT message;					// The message identifier.
		// Data of the mouse message
			bool ctrl		:1;		// Indicates whether the CTRL key is down.
			bool shift		:1;		// Indicates whether the SHIFT key is down.
			bool lbutton	:1;		// Indicates whether the left mouse button is down.
			bool mbutton	:1;		// Indicates whether the middle mouse button is down.
			bool rbutton	:1;		// Indicates whether the right mouse button is down.
			short x;				// The x-coordinate of the cursor.
			short y;				// The y-coordinate of the cursor.
			short wheel;			// The distance the wheel is rotated, expressed in multiples or divisions of 120.

		// Data of the key message
			BYTE vkcode;			// The virtual-key code of the key.
			BYTE scancode;			// The scan code of the key. The value depends on the OEM.
			bool extended	:1;		// Indicates whether the key is an extended key.
			bool prevdown	:1;		// Indicates whether the key is previously up or down.

		// Data of the char message
		TCHAR ch;

		// Data of the window message
			WPARAM wParam;
			LPARAM lParam;



Specify the message identifier, which can be the following values.

Message identifier Message category Description
WM_MOUSEMOVE EX_MOUSE The mouse moves.
WM_MOUSEWHEEL EX_MOUSE The mouse wheel is rotated.
WM_LBUTTONDOWN EX_MOUSE The left mouse button is pressed.
WM_LBUTTONUP EX_MOUSE The left mouse button is released.
WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK EX_MOUSE The left mouse button is double-clicked.
WM_MBUTTONDOWN EX_MOUSE The middle mouse button is pressed.
WM_MBUTTONUP EX_MOUSE The middle mouse button is released.
WM_MBUTTONDBLCLK EX_MOUSE The middle mouse button is double-clicked.
WM_RBUTTONDOWN EX_MOUSE The right mouse button is pressed.
WM_RBUTTONUP EX_MOUSE The right mouse button is released.
WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK EX_MOUSE The right mouse button is double-clicked.
WM_KEYDOWN EX_KEY A key is pressed.
WM_KEYUP EX_KEY A key is released.
WM_CHAR EX_CHAR A character is typed.
WM_ACTIVATE EX_WINDOW The window is activated or deactivated.
WM_MOVE EX_WINDOW The window has been moved.
WM_SIZE EX_WINDOW The size of window has changed.


Indicates whether the Ctrl key is pressed. It is valid only when the message category is EX_MOUSE.


Indicates whether the SHIFT key is pressed. It is valid only when the message category is EX_MOUSE.


Indicates whether the left mouse button is pressed. It is valid only when the message category is EX_MOUSE.


Indicates whether the middle mouse button is pressed. It is valid only when the message category is EX_MOUSE.


Indicates whether the right mouse button is pressed. It is valid only when the message category is EX_MOUSE.


The x-coordinate of the cursor (physical coordinates). It is valid only when the message category is EX_MOUSE.


The y-coordinate of the cursor (physical coordinates). It is valid only when the message category is EX_MOUSE.


The mouse wheel scroll value, a multiple of 120. It is valid only when the message category is EX_MOUSE.


The virtual-key code of the key. It is valid only when the message category is EX_KEY.

All virtual-key codes are listed on the Microsoft website: https://docs.microsoft.com/windows/win32/inputdev/virtual-key-codes


The scan code of the key. The value depends on the OEM. It is valid only when the message category is EX_KEY.


Indicates whether the key is an extended key, such as a function key or a key on the numeric keypad. It is valid only when the message category is EX_KEY.


Indicates whether the key is previously up or down. It is valid only when the message category is EX_KEY.


The character received. It is valid only when the message category is EX_CHAR.


The wParam parameter corresponding to the message. It is valid only when the message category is EX_WINDOW.


The lParam parameter corresponding to the message. It is valid only when the message category is EX_WINDOW.



(贡献者:Krissi  编辑