Drawing related functions
The relevant functions are as follows.
Function or data type | Description |
arc | Draw an arc. |
circle | Draw a circle without filling. |
clearcircle | Clear a circular region. |
clearellipse | Clear an elliptical region. |
clearpie | Clear a sector region. |
clearpolygon | Clear a polygon region. |
clearrectangle | Clear a rectangular region. |
clearroundrect | Clear a rounded rectangular region. |
ellipse | Draw an ellipse without filling. |
fillcircle | Draw a filled circle with a border. |
fillellipse | Draw a filled ellipse with a border. |
fillpie | Draw a filled sector with a border. |
fillpolygon | Draw a filled polygon with a border. |
fillrectangle | Draw a filled rectangle with a border. |
fillroundrect | Draw a filled rounded rectangle with a border. |
floodfill | Fill the area. |
getheight | Gets the height of the plot area. |
getpixel | Gets the color of the point. |
getwidth | Gets the width of the plot area. |
line | Draw a straight line. |
pie | Draw a sector without filling. |
polybezier | Draw three square Bezier curves. |
polyline | Draw multiple consecutive lines. |
polygon | Draw a polygon without filling. |
putpixel | Draw the dot. |
rectangle | Draw a rectangle without filling. |
roundrect | Draw a rounded rectangle without filling. |
solidcircle | Draw a filled circle without a border. |
solidellipse | Draw a filled ellipse without a border. |
solidpie | Draw a filled sector without a border. |
solidpolygon | Draw a filled polygon without a border. |
solidrectangle | Draw a filled rectangle without a border. |
solidroundrect | Draw a filled rounded rectangle without a border. |