This function is used to convert the HSL color to RGB color.

	float H,
	float S,
	float L



Hue component of the original HSL color model, 0 <= H <360.


The Saturation component of the original HSL color model, 0<=s<1.


The Lightness component of the original HSL color model, 0<=L<=1.

Return Value

The corresponding RGB color.


HSL is also called HLS.

The color model of the HSL is shown as shown:

H is the first letter of the English Hue, which represents the hue, which is the monochrome that makes up the visible spectrum. Red is at 0 degrees, green is at 120 degrees, and blue is at 240 degrees, which transitions in this direction.

S is the first letter of the English Saturated, indicating saturation, which is equal to 0 when gray. At maximum saturation 1, there is the purest color light.

L is the first letter of the English Lightness, which means brightness, which is black at 0, is equal to 0.5, and is equal to 1 when white.


See the "rainbow" program in the examples.

(贡献者:Krissi  编辑